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FilterShaper for Mac OS X 3.3.2 screenshot

FilterShaper for Mac OS X

"Revamp your music production with FilterShaper for Mac OS X - a game-changing plugin for sound manipulation."

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MidiShaper for Mac OS X 1.5.1 screenshot

MidiShaper for Mac OS X

Experience MIDI like never before with MidiShaper for Mac OS X.

MidiShaper for Mac OS X 1.5.1 DownloadMidiShaper for Mac OS X like
PanCake for Mac OS X 2.3.1 screenshot

PanCake for Mac OS X

Discover the ultimate audio manipulation tool for Mac OS X. Enjoy seamless transitions and smooth automation with PanCake.

PanCake for Mac OS X 2.3.1 DownloadPanCake for Mac OS X like
VolumeShaper for Mac OS X 3.2.1 screenshot

VolumeShaper for Mac OS X

Transform Mac sound with VolumeShaper. Unleash dynamic soundscapes.

VolumeShaper for Mac OS X 3.2.1 DownloadVolumeShaper for Mac OS X like
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