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Android Studio for Mac and Linux download

Android Studio for Mac and Linux

Version: 3.6.3 | Size: 948.00 MB
Top Download Club  |  Development  |  Other  |  Android Studio for Mac and Linux
Top Download Club is proud to present one of the best software products on the market today for developers and tech enthusiasts alike. Developed by Google, Android Studio is a powerful integrated development environment (IDE), designed specifically for Android app development. Available for both Mac and Linux operating systems, this software boasts a wealth of features that make creating and testing Android apps a breeze.

One of the key features of Android Studio is its user-friendly interface, which allows developers to easily navigate their way through a range of features and tools, all designed to make the app-development process more efficient and enjoyable. From the advanced coding editor to the streamlined emulator and debugger, every aspect of Android Studio has been carefully crafted to provide the best possible experience for developers.

But what really sets Android Studio apart is its ability to support a wide range of programming languages, frameworks, and libraries. Whether you're a novice or an experienced developer, this software offers unrivaled flexibility, allowing you to choose the technologies that best suit your needs and objectives.

Whether you're creating a cutting-edge app for business or pleasure, Android Studio is the software of choice for developers looking to bring their ideas to life. So why not join the thousands of satisfied developers around the world and start creating apps today? With Android Studio from Top Download Club, the possibilities are endless!

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Android Studio for Mac and LinuxOtherLinux, Mac OS X

User Rating: 5.0 (59 votes)



File size:
948.00 MB

Last update:

Linux, Mac OS X

Last version:
Last versions of Android Studio for Mac and Linux
Version Change log
Android Studio for Mac and Linux 3.6.3 Apr 17, 2020 This minor release fixes a caching issue for modules with DataBinding and bundles the Kotlin 1.3.71 plugin.
Android Studio for Mac and Linux 3.6.2 Apr 1, 2020 General fixes:
This update includes fixes for the following public issues: C++ Build
Issue #143411149: Syncing after any change to any Gradle file forces full rebuild of native code
Android Studio for Mac and Linux 3.6.1 Mar 11, 2020 General fixes:
This update includes fixes for the following public issues:
Android Gradle Plugin:
Issue #149193056: Suppress warning about :buildSrc:configurePrecompiledScriptDependenciesResolver being non-incremental
Issue #149883012: com.android.zipflinger.Zip is too generic of a name
Issue #148974861: [Android Library Publishing] Do not publish VariantAttr attribute for *all* component
Apply Changes:
Issue #144236330: "Apply Changes and Restart Activity" and "Rerun Tests" commands use the same keyboard shortcut
Data Binding:
Issue #149045351: Does view binding work between modules?
Issue #124680708: Git Push Crashes from IDE
Lint Inspections:
Issue #149753966: "Unguarded field access" inspection does nor work for androidx.annotation.GuardedBy
Issue #149342692: Navigation resource is not being found by Lint
Prefab Integration:
Issue #149575364: IllegalStateException from Run button in AS when using native dependencies with android.enableParallelJsonGen=true
View history


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