Version | Change log |
Android Studio for Mac and Linux 3.6.3 Apr 17, 2020 | This minor release fixes a caching issue for modules with DataBinding and bundles the Kotlin 1.3.71 plugin. |
Android Studio for Mac and Linux 3.6.2 Apr 1, 2020 |
General fixes: This update includes fixes for the following public issues: C++ Build Issue #143411149: Syncing after any change to any Gradle file forces full rebuild of native code |
Android Studio for Mac and Linux 3.6.1 Mar 11, 2020 |
General fixes: This update includes fixes for the following public issues: Android Gradle Plugin: Issue #149193056: Suppress warning about :buildSrc:configurePrecompiledScriptDependenciesResolver being non-incremental Issue #149883012: is too generic of a name Issue #148974861: [Android Library Publishing] Do not publish VariantAttr attribute for *all* component Apply Changes: Issue #144236330: "Apply Changes and Restart Activity" and "Rerun Tests" commands use the same keyboard shortcut Data Binding: Issue #149045351: Does view binding work between modules? IntelliJ: Issue #124680708: Git Push Crashes from IDE Lint Inspections: Issue #149753966: "Unguarded field access" inspection does nor work for androidx.annotation.GuardedBy Issue #149342692: Navigation resource is not being found by Lint Prefab Integration: Issue #149575364: IllegalStateException from Run button in AS when using native dependencies with android.enableParallelJsonGen=true |
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Top Download Club is excited to present Google's Android NDK for Mac OS X, a groundbreaking software development kit that is guaranteed to transform the way you create advanced Android applications. This innovative tool empowers developers to unleash the full potential of their Mac OS X machine by providing access to a ...
... is proud to present a new software review for the Mac OS X community. Our latest pick is SQLPro Studio by Hankinsoft Development, Inc. This database management tool is a perfect fit for businesses and developers alike. The software excels in ...
Top Download Club is an exclusive online destination for top-quality software downloads, featuring the latest and greatest programs for your Mac OS X platform. Among our extensive collection of offerings is the popular Jaspersoft Studio, developed by Jaspersoft Studio - one of the ...